Inside Australian Online Shopping – eCommerce Industry Report

A recent report published by Australia Post details the record breaking sales Australian Households are now spending online and highlighting the need for all businesses to have an eCommerce presence.

Let’s break down some of the key stats from their report:

    • Australians spent a record $62.3 billion online accounting for 19.3% of total retail spend81% of Australian household bought something online
    • Pandemic lockdowns caused huge spikes in new people ordering online with 83% growth in 2020, almost double that of 2019
    • Further growth of 73% in 2021, although it is expected to slowdown in 2022
    • Online spending continues to outpace overall retail spend, growing 23.4% YOY (compared to 4.3% YOY growth overall)
    • Shoppers intend to buy more local products online
    • 60% of shoppers are willing to pay more when it comes to buying sustainable and ethically made products

It’s safe to say online shopping is here to stay, and we are the experts you need to make sure your site is running eCommerce effectively! 

Read the full report here