Critical Technologies List Review

Image sourced from Tech Business News

The federal government is asking Australian’s to identify critical technologies that will be important for the economy and national security over the next decade.

The 63 technologies are current and emerging technologies that have been identified as having a significant impact on our national interest (economic prosperity, national security and social cohesion). Many of the technologies on the list have implications for defence and security, but also often have broader applications.

The list, created as part of a “blueprint” designed to safeguard and promote the development and usage of certain technologies in response to “geostatic intensifying competition”. Some of these include:

  • Advanced materials and manufacturing
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Computing and communications
  • Biotechnology
  • Gene technology and vaccines
  • Energy and environment
  • Quantum
  • Sensing
  • Timing and navigation
  • Transport
  • Robotics and space

Heavy industry, mining and medical research are also affected sectors within the critical technologies list as part of a goal to reach 1.2 million technology jobs by 2030.

With new technologies emerging every day, it’s important for the government to stay ahead of the curve. The lists review is a critical step in the right direction for Australia’s national interest and digital future.

Today, Friday 30 September 2022, is the last day to have your say –