Making the Most of Online Video Marketing

DBG Technologies has invited Belinda Mackey of Mackbel Films to be a guest contributor for the DBG blog. We asked her to share her tips on making the most of online video marketing in 2012:

With the trend of online video rising in 2011, this year is set to see video marketing boom.

With everyone bound to jump on the bandwagon, and rightly so, the video will soon be a staple across websites and social media. Viewers will become more selective about what they view and share, which means being aware that it’s not about the number of videos you put out there, but rather the quality.

Here are three tips to make sure your online video is a cut above the rest.

1.  Early Engagement

You need to grab the viewer’s attention within the first 5 seconds or at a click of a button, they’re gone.

  • Make sure the opening shot is appealing and specific to the overall message of the video.
  • Start on titles or a logo that is animated or eye-catching and combine with music encapsulating the feel of your message.
  • Check the uploaded video is playing at the correct aspect ratio, otherwise, the image will appear stretched or distorted.

2.  Sustained Engagement

Whilst your video need only play for a second to reap SEO benefits, ultimately you want your entire message heard.

  • Aim to connect with your viewer on an emotional level. This comes down to keeping content relevant and believable.
  • Only use watchable footage. This means the image is in focus and well framed and the sound is clear and sharp. Raw footage can be enhanced in post-production with good editing, music that sets a mood, graphics and more.
  • Keep things moving. This is where a great edit can do wonders by playing with the pace of a video through wise cuts and music tempo. At the very least, watch your video back and see where you start to switch off on the third or fourth time through. Show it to others and gauge their reactions. This will be a sign of what to take out and what to leave in.

3. Lasting Impression

Focus on long-term brand building rather than messages centred on discount or gimmicks. This will increase the lifespan of your video and attract the right audience.

  • Your brand or business vision should resonate under all videos to establish familiarity.
  • Add an element of entertainment. People want to either enjoy or be moved by what they watch.
  • Highlight your key message rather than cramming in too much. Finish with the attention clearly on your brand, ideally your logo and contact details.

Remember, your video is a representation of your business or brand. To the viewer, a poorly produced video with low-grade footage and compromised sound reflects the perceived way you do business. So take the time to plan, film and piece together all videos before uploading for the world to see. It will be well worth the effort as an effective video speaks a thousand words!

If you would like some expert guidance or advice in any area of producing a video, Belinda and David at Mackbel Films would love to hear from you, so call them on 08 8342 4315